Men finding the One!

"Brethren, the secret to finding the girl of your dreams is to get to know many of them and then, when you fall in love and it feels right, ask her to marry you. If she says no, you continue to search and to pray until finally you will arrive with that young woman at the altar of the temple. Just don’t give up."

- Elder Uchtdorf 2009 BYU Devotional

Saturday, 29 October 2011

One Year

For once in my life I am happy! Not happy for the moment happy - but happy as in eternally happy.

Today is the day that I got baptized ONE year ago! October 30th 2010 at 11am at Gisborne 3rd Ward chapel in New Zealand; I was baptized into The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I am eternally grateful for it. It changed my life forever - but also for the better! I found many families that are there for me! I literally found what a family is supposed to be like - to feel like. Myself coming from a broken home, where you travel between places to visit your parents or like me traveling oceans - its a life I still live but it's a life I used to live also. Living with one parent since the year 2000 is all I knew! But joining the church I have families all around me and it's a nice feeling! I still have my family you know but I do love looking up to the families in our church :)

I will love these people for my entire life and for eternity ... (from left to right)
Elder Perry Sessions from America
Elder Michael Belnap from America (still on a mission til Nov. 2011)
Elder Trevor Beckstead from America (still on a mission til Sept. 2012)
Elder Jethro Tham from Australia

These guys are the ones that taught me the gospel. I am eternally grateful for you guys coming into my life which is why I LOVE MISSIONARIES because I know the changes that they make in people's lives! I have experienced it! Elder Tham, the man that baptized me! Elder Belnap, the man that confirmed me! I love you guys!

I have had one of the best years of my life being apart of the church! It has been amazing!

I have met the coolest people.
I met my best friend.
My best friends family became my family too.
My sister and I got closer.
My relationship with my parents changed.
I learnt to forgive.
I learnt how it feels to actually be happy.

I was an unhappy person before church I now realise. I really was. I didnt go out and hang with friends, I was kind of unsociable I guess you could say! But I liked it that way. I liked spending time with no-one. When I joined the church, I learnt to just get out there. Be myself. Meet heaps of cool people. Socialise a bit more and BE HAPPY! Like mum had told her friends what I was like and then when she met me this year in Australia when I moved over, I was nothing that she expected! I was sooo talkative and loud. Its all thanks to the church! And my boss at work calls me Happy! Thats my nickname!

Church makes me happy. It really does! Moreso the eternal perspectives and blessings that the church teach.

I am eternally happy... for once in my life

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