Men finding the One!

"Brethren, the secret to finding the girl of your dreams is to get to know many of them and then, when you fall in love and it feels right, ask her to marry you. If she says no, you continue to search and to pray until finally you will arrive with that young woman at the altar of the temple. Just don’t give up."

- Elder Uchtdorf 2009 BYU Devotional

Friday, 21 October 2011

"To Write Or Not To Write? ... That Is The Question!"

Have you ever heard of "to be or not to be? ... that is the question!" It's part of a shakespearean play! Well this is "to write or not to write?!"

Well here it is!

There's this guy that's serving his mission and my best friend Olea Lloyd always mocks me about him! Her, her Aunty and my great friend Johanna Lloyd and mine and Olea's best friend all the way from Utah America Ryann Newby! They like to say it's me and him. Johanna pointed out all the things that happened before he left for his mission and the fact that 4 years difference is the perfect relationship, if you get what I mean! Well, do I write to him or not or do I be stubborn and wait for his letter first? I mean come on he does have my address too! It's a two way street people! Just someone has to make the first move! That's all! It's a bit like Romeo and Juliet ... like forever jokes!

I find this whole thing pretty hilarious to be honest!


  1. Nooot even BOOOOY! It just something that has run throughout my mind lmao!

