Men finding the One!

"Brethren, the secret to finding the girl of your dreams is to get to know many of them and then, when you fall in love and it feels right, ask her to marry you. If she says no, you continue to search and to pray until finally you will arrive with that young woman at the altar of the temple. Just don’t give up."

- Elder Uchtdorf 2009 BYU Devotional

Sunday 25 December 2011


Wassup!!!! Definately was in need of a new updated as it has been too long! Just about 2 months. Gosh how entirely slack!

Anyway, Christmas has finally been and gone and it was awesome :)
It is great to see that christmas is not just about presents and the latest technology from this generation. People turn their attention towards how much they love being with family and friends and everything and it is just AMAZING to see that! I LOVED christmas this year! I wasnt abole to spend it with my friends and family back in New Zealand but I did spend it with my Mum and the kids and Steves family i.e mums bfs family! the are one heck of an amzing bunch of people! I did however get to talk to everyone back home and they sounded great which was an awesome feeling and that I didnt let them down too much with not going back home for Christmas :) I didnt want anything for Christmas but my friends and family did not listen to me and i got the most awesomest gifts ever! Thankyou guys :D Texts from people I wouldnt think of made me be like woah wow hahah! I LOVE MY LIFE! Christmas is a time to spread the joy to others and remember our saviour! I LOVE MY SAVIOUR! I OWE MY SAVIOUR! I HONOUR JESUS CHRIST AND HEAVENLY FATHER! xx

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